“The heart of a volunteer is never measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.”

-DeAnn Hollis

Get involved as a volunteer to work with one of our committees

  • Housing

    Exterior code ordinance enforcement, nuisance property reporting and follow up, Short Term Rental (STR) regulations (for businesses such as AirBnB), property acquisition and purchase, homeowner assistance (such as Rock The Block).

  • Community Development

    Mixed Use Neighborhood (MUN) zone development, BG SONG/BGSU/City of Bowling Green relations, sustainable growth advocacy, research of legislation and methods in other cities, creative placemaking and more.

  • Communication and Marketing

    Brand and logo development, press releases, website development, social media development and maintenance,

  • Fundraising and Finance

    Grant writing, individual donor fundraising, fundraising events, business and corporate fundraising

  • Membership and Neighborhood Organization

    Member recruitment and orientation, Routine communication, Formation, training, coaching, and coordination of small neighborhood groups, Outreach to potential partner organizations.

Check out experiences of our volunteers on our social media pages