For Home Owners

  • Bowling Green Housing Programs

    The City of Bowling Green currently administers seven housing programs for very low-income, low-income, and moderate-income homeowners.

    Bowling Green Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Programs

    Programs that fund repair or replacement of substandard systems in homes, including mobile homes

    Bowling Green Housing Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Programs

    Housing assistance programs for very low-income, low-income, and moderate-income.

    Housing Resources provided by other organizations

    Resources include the Community Housing Impact and Preservation (CHIP) Program, Section 8 Rental Assistance and Homelessness Assistance.

  • Fair Housing

    This page provides information about your housing rights and where to file complaints if you feel they have been violated. Discrimination in the sale and rental of housing and in mortgage lending is prohibited at the local, state and federal level.

  • Bowling Green Energy Efficiency Programs

    The City's Efficiency Smart Program helps residents, business and industrial customers lower their electric bill through energy efficiency and guides them to savings through financial incentives and expert advice.

  • Bowling Green Arborist

    Information about the city's tree inventory, insects and diseases of trees, tree care links, making a tree service request, etc.

    Bowling Green Arboretum

    Located on Pearl Street west of the fire station, the Arboretum is a place where property owners can view different types of trees they may want to plant on their property or on their tree lawn.

  • Bowling Green Report a Concern Form

    Concerns about street, sidewalk, parking, trash/litter, noise, or other conditions in the city and its neighborhoods can be reported by submitting a form from this web page. Pictures that identify the concern may also be submitted. Concerns may be reported anonymously.

For Prospective Home Owners

The Ohio Housing Finance Agency has several programs to help people who want to buy a home

For Renters

  • Fair Housing

    This page provides information about your housing rights and where to file complaints if you feel they have been violated. Discrimination in the sale and rental of housing and in mortgage lending is prohibited at the local, state and federal level.

    Ohio Bar Association

    Detailed information on tenant’s rights including ones not included elsewhere: “You have the right to join with other tenants to bargain with your landlord about lease terms.” Many helpful pamphlets are available as downloads in their “Law Fact” Pamphlets” series.

    Legal Aid Society, Cleveland

    This is a classic non-profit legal aid group and it contains plentiful useful information presented in accessible form. This includes topics such as “Landlord-Tenant Law The Basics.”The mission statement is “Legal Aid’s mission is to secure justice, equity, and access to opportunity for and with people who have low incomes through passionate legal representation and advocacy for social change.”

  • Bowling Green Landlord-Tenant Relations

    ​Provides guidance on landlords’ and tenants responsibilities; what to do if the landlord isn’t meeting their responsibilities, and what the landlord may do if the tenant isn’t meeting their responsibilities. Links are provided for contacting the city’s fire division with concerns about fire safety and the county health department for concerns about sanitation (mold, pests, etc)

    BGSU Student Legal Services

    If a legal problem regarding housing threatens to interfere with your effectiveness as a student, Student Legal Services, Inc. may aid in resolving or minimizing that legal complication. This is completely free if legal fee has been paid.

  • Bowling Green Rental Assistance Resources

    A resource page for Bowling Green residents, who are experiencing financial hardship and behind or late on rent payments, lists several agencies that can be contacted for potential assistance.

  • United Athens County Tenants

    This group comes closest to an actual tenant’s union/advocacy group that is activist in its intent.

    Tenant Resource Center (Madison, WI)

    This center, located in Madison, WI, is a gold standard of what a community-supported tenant’s rights group should be. Beyond all the usual information regarding tenant’s rights and resources, it offers rental rights walk-in services, individual appointments with housing counselors, and a 24-hour rental rights hotline. This website isn't necessarily applicable to Ohio law and the City of Bowling Green regulations, but is offered here to provide information that may be helpful to a tenant looking for general information.


    This site, addressed to landlords, contains a number of detailed articles that are also helpful for tenants.

  • Student Legal Services

    If you are a main campus student Student Legal Services, Inc. may assist you with disputes involving repairs actions, evictions, late security deposit refunds, unfair damage assessments, lease review, etc.

  • Bowling Green Report a Concern Form

    Concerns about street, sidewalk, parking, trash/litter, noise, or other conditions in the city and its neighborhoods can be reported by submitting a form from this web page. Pictures that identify the concern may also be submitted. Concerns may be reported anonymously.