Bowling Green Save Our Neighborhoods Group (BG SONG) would like to extend a huge thank you to those in the community who helped make our Rock the Block project a major success! Over the two days of the event a hundred volunteers helped 18 home owners spruce up their yards and homes by trimming shrubs, raking leaves, washing windows and siding, painting, and planting shade trees and native perennial plants.

Financial support from the Bowling Green Community Foundation and thirty businesses, organizations and individuals made the project possible. BG SONG plans to continue exerting a positive influence on the city’s neighborhoods through projects like Rock The Block: we hope to organize our next RTB project in coordination with a class of BGSU Leadership and Service students in the spring of 2025. 

ROCK THE BLOCK | May 4th, 2024

Bowling Green Save Our Neighborhoods Group (BG SONG) is very excited to let you know about the follow-up to our first neighborhood revitalization and beautification project which took place on Saturday, April 6. That day sixty-five volunteers worked at 12 sites to assist homeowners with a variety of tasks: trimming shrubs and raking leaves, washing windows and siding, and repairing fences and door trim. On Saturday, May 4th, ROCK THE BLOCK will assist several additional homeowners and return to many of the April project sites to paint the work we prepped on April 6 and to put in native plants donated by the Wood County Park District.

  • Rock The Block is a one-day neighborhood revitalization effort where volunteers help complete beautification and exterior home maintenance projects, at no cost to participating homeowners. Rock The Block encourages all neighbors, homeowners, and community partners to work outside together, have fun, and make a difference.

  • In February, all homeowners in the Pedestrian Residential District north of Wooster Street received an invitation from BG SONG to participate. Twenty homeowners submitted applications.

  • The projects involve clearing & trimming bushes, pulling weeds and raking, mulching, and landscape work, small exterior painting projects, and minor exterior repairs. Our volunteers will complete as many projects as time in the four-hour event will allow.

  • Volunteer

    Please sign up by clicking the button below. To arrange for an organized group to volunteer (churches, businesses, service groups, etc) contact bowlinggreensong@gmail.com.

    Donate Funds or Supplies or Loan Equipment

    Your contribution, whether through volunteering, lending a hand, or loaning/donating resources or funds, will help make Rock the Block a success and positively impact our community. Together, we can create cleaner, more beautiful neighborhoods for everyone to enjoy. Thank you for your support!

Please contact us at bowlinggreenson@gmail.com for any questions or concerns.